
Getting A Domain Name and Web Hosting

If you’re following along in the series, we’re getting our domain name and hosting for our website. I’m going to build a WordPress website based on our content strategy (which we’ll continue after we set up the core website).

This video is NOT sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we’ll receive a small commission.

Resources mentioned:

You can purchase a domain at any domain registrar, we get our domains through our site here:

We recommend webhosting through Float Hosting:

Please feel free to ask questions! This is part of our series on building a content website (which we’ll eventually show how to do this to support eCommerce, but we need to get through these first parts).

See other videos in the series:

Identify Easy to Rank Keywords with SEMRush:

Create a Keyword Strategy with SEMRush and start your Content Marketing Strategy:

For LOCAL businesses, be sure to check your local opportunities with SEMRush:

Creating Content Ideas from Keywords (Power Suggest Pro Demo):