

What Is SEO and How How Has It Changed Over the Years?

Many business owners will here hear the phrase β€˜search engine optimisation’ (or SEO) from friends in the business community or even competitors and may consider it as a route to increasing sales, butΒ what is SEO? Alternatively, a business owner may have tried β€˜SEO services’ in the past and found it either didn’t work as well

What Is SEO and How How Has It Changed Over the Years? Read More Β»

The Advantages of a SSL Certificates for a Small Business Website?

With increasing Internet penetration and the explosion of social media, small businesses are no longer at a disadvantage. They are able to sell their products and services to customers from all over the globe, target audiences in any segment and region and position themselves for growth. While on-ground infrastructure needs to match to achieve success,

The Advantages of a SSL Certificates for a Small Business Website? Read More Β»

What is Shared Hosting?

Shared hosting is an ideal, economical solution for companies who want to run multiple websites. The advantages and disadvantages of sharing a server depend on a variety of factors, including the hosting company, number of websites involved, and the amount of traffic the sites receive. A systems administrator manages the server and the websites to

What is Shared Hosting?